Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Texas battles history making wildfires

More wild fires erupt in Texas
Six new fires erupted in Texas on Monday while more out-of-state firefighting reinforcements were dispatched to try to gain control in a state that has lost nearly 600,000 acres to wild fires since February 22.
In the past week alone, fires have burned 309,000 acres, from the Panhandle and high plains in the northwest to the pine woods in the east and the dry brushlands of the border.
That's not counting fires volunteer fire departments have put out, said Texas Forest Service spokesman Alan Craft.

'Swenson Fire' now largest in the U.S.
71,000-acre fire scorches3 counties, now largest in U.S.

Skies Aflame photos by Ayena
Taken between the towns of Alpine, Texas and Ft. Davis Texas during the biggest fire to ever hit the Big Bend Area.

Check out a good story from the Huffington Post including a vido at http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/04/11/texas-wildfires-2011-video_n_847776.html
photo credits to Ayena (Flickr), the AP and FOX newsfrom posts to the web.

And lets keep our friends in Pulaski VA and in other locations that have been recently impacted by  natural disasters as they struggle to recover.
A few of the wildfires in Texas can be considered a natural disaster HOWEVER many, all to many are the result of human carelessness, accidents or ARSON.
Smokey Bear’s words ‘Only You Can Prevent Wildfires’ seems particularly important
to all citizens in Texas during this very dangerous conditions.
Check out


And learn more about how ONLY YOU CAN PREVENT WILDFIRES.


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