Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Firefighter recovering, the best video clip so far and a cool view from space

Officials salute firefighter's bravery
Posted: April 13, 2011 - 12:23am

As Elias Jaquez lay Tuesday struggling to recover in the Lubbock burn center, Cactus officials marveled at the volunteer firefighter's bravery battling Moore County wildfires." To be out there and respond when their neighbors call - to help protect property, homes and lives - that in itself is kind of paramount to the true American spirit," Cactus City Manager Steve Schmidt-Witcher said.
Jaquez, 49, of Cactus, remained in critical condition Tuesday, said David Garrett, a Moore County Emergency Management spokesman. Jaquez was flown Saturday to Lubbock with third-degree burns over more than 60 percent of his body, Garrett said.
Volunteer firefighters such as Jaquez helped minimize the damage, officials said. Voluteers "in the middle of the night, middle of the day or on their weekends give up their time to go out there and protect all of us," Schmidt-Witcher said. "These guys step up every day and do things that the average citizen wouldn't do."

Dramatic Images Of West Texas Wildfires

Best  video clip I have seen showing wildfire suppression by  valiant Texans. This takes a bit to load but is worth the wait.

The satellite pictures below show just how massive the challenge is for Texas.

Education, preparation can help prevent wildfires

Smokey is working real hard as well and he needs ALL you alls help! Untill the grass, trees and shrubs green up and much needed rain beging to fall wildfire conditions will remain critical. ANY fire WE CAN PREVENT just might have been that one that devastated a town, a community, a family. SO LETS DO OUR PART and NOT LET A WILDFIRE START.
Remember ONLY YOU CAN!

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