Monday, October 22, 2012

What If ?

This week is the first several day stretch of beautiful Fall weather. But with this nice weather comes the potential for increased wildfire activity. Have you ever wondered What If? What if the Virginia Department of Forestry was delayed for only several hours in responding to a significant wildfire. The video linked here discusses such a possibility.
February 19, 2011 was a day inwhich ALL emergency response agencies and personnel were stretched to the limit. We took one fire from that day and said What If?

Please check out this video and thank a firefighter the next time you have the opportunity.

This copy of the presentation is not the best and I am workiong on getting it in a better format and when I do I will post it or the link to it.

Special thanks to John Miller, Dave Stone and Fred Turck for helping make this presentation possible.

1 comment:

  1. This is a very informative article. I am glad to have discovered your blog.
