Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Sandy may be gone but there is still work to be done

Our thoughts and prayers are with all those impacted by Sandy, most of Virginians are fortunate to NOT have been in the path of major damage. Our friends, family and neighbors to the north will have many days/weeks of recovery infront of them. Please support local and national relief agencies as you are able to do so.
With things winding down here at the VA EOC I thought it would be nice to put faces to those who have been tasked with staffing the ESF 4 desk and also support the JIC.

A typical briefing held at 0700 and 1900 daily

The room was full

Fred Turck ESF 4/VDOF

Dave Jolly ESF 4/VDFP

John Campbell JIC/VDOFMark Buff JIC/VDFP

Russ Chandler ESF4 / VDFP

Steve Grainer ESF4 / VDFP

Bobby Bailey ESF4 /VDFP

Steve Counts ESF 4/ VDOF

Tim Hansbrough ESF 4 / VDFPFrom time to time especially in the early hours of the morning or late at night we had folks show up to help as needed.

Seriously, all employees of both agencies, The VA Dept of Fire Programs and the VA Dept of Forestry should be commended for their support of the Sandy Response effort. If you were deployed to the EOC, placed into service locally or fullfilled your "normal" job duties you assisted many citizens of the Commonwealth that were in need of support at this critical time. Hopefully you and your family all are ok and we all will be back to our regular job soon.

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