Monday, August 6, 2012

Smokey's Birthday Thursday and Wildfires in OK and AR

This will be my last posting of activity sheets and Smokey's 68th related info. With wildfire activity increasing in OK and AR and elsewhere I will be focusing on providing some info about that. Wildfire Prevention can't prevent all the wildfires and Smokey can't do it alone but if we all help Smokey and if we can prevent just 1 wildfire that will be 1 less for the firefighters to worry about and 1 less that could possibly burn down more homes and threaten lives.
I know it is wishful thinking but how about trying to make Thursday August 9th a wildfire free day (NO NEW WILDFIRES) now wouldn't that be a great gift to someone who is 68!

Info from a conf call this morning......

AR continues to very busy with a lot of initial attack but not a lot of large fires right now.  AR is using their Single Engine Air Tankers (SEAT) and National Guard helicopters.  

OK has numerous large fires both on state and federal agencies.  Numerous homes and businesses have been lost this weekend in OK with Mark Goeller reporting that in some cases half of a town was burned.  The McNac Fire in OK is estimated at over 58,000 acres.  Federal agencies in Ok has some some SEATs and helicopters.  The state of OK is using National Guard helicopters.  Two portable airtanker bases are being ordered for Ardmore, OK and Ft. Smith, AR.  

No compact resource orders have been placed yet, but Mark Goeller indicated that OK may be requesting some compact assistance in the near future.  I am not sure what type of resources might be ordered at this point but it would likely be for tractor plows and engines. 

Here are my last posting of coloring and activity sheets that you might find useful especially for Smokey's birthday Thursday. I hope you enjoy!!

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