Friday, June 29, 2012

pictures from the Neighbor Mountain NPS Fire

I have not gotten any pictures from our folks on the fire but these are some nice ones posted on the Shenandoah Valley Fire's Facebook page.!/media/set/?set=a.432504513460772.99848.172276289483597&type=3

Gotten calls from friends in FL and GA asking about the fire as it seems both states are sending folks to the fire. (hand crews). It is the National Park Service that is ordering the resources not the State.
The local VDOF folks from the Central Region with some assistance from the Western Region and local part-timers and fire departments are managing the incident well at this time. Below are some notes from a meeting earlier today.

We have decided to take a more proactive approach on the shenandoah national park fire in order to protect private property. We are bringing in a few more dozers, including a contingent of personnel from the western region. This will give us 3 dozers and roughly 15 personnel through the weekend, and will free up at least 1 of the local dozers to be on standby in case something else develops.
The current plan is to complete a dozer line along all of the private property areas on the south and west sides of the fire perimeter. Once that is complete, most likely mid day tomorrow, we are going to burn out our lines back into the park. This should secure all of the private land areas currently threatened.

All of our personnel on the fire have done an excellent job and will need to be commended for doing what they need to do in the terribly hot conditions that lay ahead this weekend.

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