Monday, August 8, 2011

Smokey Bear's Birthday something old, something new, something borrowed ...

Today is Smokey Bear's big day. He is 67 years old today.  Besides the audio and video clips below I am posting the only known (at least as far as I know of) posters/images of Smokey with his hat off. If you know of others please send me the image of them (

The flowing are some new and old psa's. Hope you enjoy.

1975 Good Neighbors

2011 Neighbors

Eary 60's  Smokey sheds a tear.

1965 radio spot

The Adams Family show how to put out their campfire.

The Smokey Bear TV Show opening

The Smokey Bear TV Show Closing

I hope you enjoyed this brief look back into the life of Smokey Bear through some of the media spots.

And NOW check out a brand new web site from the Virginia Department of Forestry.

This Wildfire Prevention site features Smokey's friend Rocco.

 Dear Educator:
I would like to introduce you to our new and exciting online interactive wildfire prevention program.  The web address for this site is This program is designed for 4th through 6th grades to educate students on the good and bad effects of fire in Virginia’s forests.  This educational program has several interactive games and videos that enable students to have fun while they learn about fire in Virginia’s forests.  The program is very informative, easy to use, and is correlated to Virginia’s State Standards.
A downloadable teacher’s guide that follows along with each activity is available under the teacher resource section.  The program can be completed at one time or in sections, and students can log back in at a later date to finish portions of the program.  The teacher login screen allows teachers to see how their students rated on the pre- and post-test and which stages of the program their students have completed.  In addition, this program can also be a good educational tool for        last-minute substitute teachers or for filling small gaps of time before or after tests.
Please take a moment to review the outline of the program materials located in the teacher’s packet.  If you have questions or need assistance, please contact your local Forestry Office or our Wildfire Prevention and Education Coordinator           Fred Turck at 
We hope you and your students enjoy the learning program as much as we did putting it together.

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