Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Swamp Fire smokes on and Smokey's special week comes to an end

The news from the Lateral West / Dismal Swamp Fire is that its getting bigger, by today sometime it will eclipse the 5,000 acre 2008 South One Wildfire which was the swamps biggest and most costly ($11,000,000.00+) fire in history. Early estimates are that it will get really big, big for VA/NC standards 10,000 ac + Its pushing south now with a lot of swamp in front of it.
Check out this pix from this morning.

1950 Smokey

1951 Smokey.
 The 1st frendly Smokey costume, the one that provided a pattern for all future costume development. (Sorry Wissconson!)

A few images from the very first (?) Smokey comic.

Smokey has a hard time grasping all this new technology.

This is a new sticker I am working on with my Virginia friends. Hope you'll like it.

Well I sure enjoyed this special week and a brief look back and I hope you did as well.
PLEASE help me by doing your part to NOT let a Wildfire Start. The firefighters have their hands full with the ones mother nature is causing.

THANKS for a great 67 years and I'm looking forward to many more!

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