Tuesday, August 16, 2011

A look back in pictures of Dismal Swamp Fires 80 +/- years ago

This posting will be mostly historical pictures of days gone by. The Virginia Department (then Division ) of Forestry had wildfire (then forest fire) suppression responsibility in the swamp up till 1975. Then the FWS toomk it over THANK YOU FWS!!!

Site of old skidder setting which was burned to prevent a possible heavy fire when the oncoming Dismal Swamp fire reached the railroad all at once.

October 25, 1930
Burning skidder settings along the railroad. Evinrude pumps in use.

Portion of the western fire line between the Norfolk and Western Railroad and the Five Mile Ditch. October 28, 1930

Preparing to be put into use.  Pacific Type Y portable pump. November 13, 1937.

An Evinrude pump with 1 and ½ miles of hose used to extinguish burning log heaps at skidder setting along the logging railroad.

October 1930
Devastating effects the wildfire on a cutover area west of the Portsmouth Ditch just north of the Big Entry Ditch.

Another trusty Evinrude in action October 26, 1930.

June 1942 Fire along the Feeder Canal. Note original ground level at the gentlemen's chest.

Flood gate on one of the ditches.

Man standing in a water hole dug for water during the October 1930 swamp fire. He is indicating the depth of the peat, 7 to 10 feet in depth.

Water pump used to extinguish ground fire at the roots of a large twin Red Maple.

October 23, 1930

A large hardwood stump with the peat burned from beneath its roots. Located along the logging railroad between the Dismal Swamp canal and the Portsmouth Ditch.

An Evinrude pump with 1 and ½ miles of hose used to extinguish burning log heaps at skidder setting along the logging railroad.

Division of Forestry’s   truck #2 being prepared  to respond to a swamp fire.

 Equipment needs for swamp crews.
Below is a poem from 1804.

I hope you enjoyed this look back in time.

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