Sunday, August 28, 2011

Hurricane IRENE, VEOC and the bunker

The Virginia Department of Forestry and Fire Programs are working local requests with the local EOC as well as staffing the VEOC (Virginia Emergency Operations Center) at the ESF 4.  Forestry has nearly 50 employees directly involved with the incident responding to numerous requests for assistance. The Dept of Fire Programs is also responding to requests for support from various local fire departments.
Many times there are plenty of pictures of field operations and I am sure this incident will not be different. When we start getting in some I will post those. But below are several pictures from the "inside" behind the scenes work at the "bunker"

From left to right Don Hansen (DFP). a FEMA rep, Billy Shelton (Executive Director Dept of Fire Program's, Dave Jolly (DFP)

Russ Chandler (VDFP), Steve Grainer (VDFP) and Matt Poirot (VDOF)

Michael Cline (State VDEM Coordinator, Gov Bob McDonnell)

Steve Grainer (VDFP)

John Miller (Director Resource Protection Division VDOF

Michael Cline and Governor McDonnell prepare for news conference.

Fred X Turck (VDOF)

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