Saturday, June 4, 2011

Virginia Wildland Fire Academy Day 4

Today was a beautiful day in Farmville on the campus of Longwood University.  All the classes that were stuck inside were wishing they had a field trip or some other exercise that would get them outside.

Below Phil reviews the exercise from yesterday. Learning how to use the belt weather kits and we got to see just how variable the readings were just by altering where it was we took the readings, in the shade, on the tennis courts, in the fountain etc...
 Fuels and weather we learned were 2 of the big 3 (fuels, weather and topography) that were the most variable and difficult to deal with while trying to predict a fires behavior.
 Working through the FLAME exercise "ALMOST" got the better of us but we overcame and hopefully by the end we all at least knew the process and had a basic understanding of what Claiborne was trying to teach us.

The tractor class held its night time field exercise last night, hopefully it went well and I hope to have some pictures to share with you soon, along with some from our distinguished guests that showed up.

Thanks for "looking in"

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