Thursday, April 14, 2011

Many wildfires can be prevented, many can not. The one that is prevented could have beenthe one that saved someones life.

Fires, Drought Trouble Mexico, Texas and Other US Plains States

Nothern Mexico 4.12

U.S. Agrees to Help Fight Mexico Wildfires

Mexico appealed to the U.S. for additional help yesterday after saying it is in the middle of the worst fire season in history.

Smoke from a grass fire covers Interstate 44 near Elgin. The southbound lanes of the turnpike were closed this afternoon because of the fire. Photo provided by James Doyle


Wildfires burn more than 2,000 acres in southwest Oklahoma

Between 1,500 and 2,000 acres burned in the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuges on Tuesday and Wednesday, and another wildfire in Comanche County caused the evacuation of 30 homes and closed southbound Interstate 44 for about an hour, officials said.



If you are reading this post its more likely than not that I don’t have to convince you to Help Smokey Bear with his “ONLY YOU CAN PREVENT WILDFIRES” message. But what I need you to do is “Get Your Smokey On” and talk to others about the importance of preventing even one wildfire. Its not hard all folks need to do is obey all burning laws, restrictions and bans, and if allowed to burn or have an out door fire DON’T BE CARELESS! Also don’t just sit back and watch others act irresponsibly. We have no problem telling young children to NOT PLAY WITH MATCHES AND LIGHTERS but seem to shy away from telling adults the same. Or when we see someone maybe using a welding or cutting torch in dry grass, or see someone’s chain dragging on a trailer, or discarding a cigarette. Come on LETS ALL GET OUR SMOKEY ON. Step up and do our part … DON’T LET A WILDFIRE START.


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