Thursday, February 24, 2011

Enjoy video clips of young Smokey Bear while I'm away

enjoy the rain!
I am not going to be posting anything for a few days. I'll be at the Fire Chiefs Conf in VA Beach for one thing and while there I will be presenting an overview of the first 2 weeks of our fire season. Included will be a powerpoint presentation with hundreds of pictures from the wildfire event of the 19th. After the conf I will be posting a link here to where you can go take a look. Thanks to lots of firefighters and others for the pictures. Till then please enjoy the 2 videos below. They are of Little Smokey Bear in the begining days of his fame and glory.
Enjoy and keep checking back!!!!
Warning they are pretty large files, with little or no audio and might take some time to load BUT they are worth it if you Love Smokey!!!

1 comment:

  1. These videos are more "awesome" than any modern day DVD or 3D movies. Incredible documentation of the Fire Prevention Legend, (Smokey not you Turck).
