Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Complex Incident Management more from Ione CA

Students are begining to come togther as a team eventhough many have a significant amount of prior experience all are either learning new "tools" or honing those they previously possed. Students were presented material on Team Dynamics, Lessons Learned, Command and Ordering. The day ended with a challanging simulation that had them handeling an earthquake. The simulations continue to push many outside of their comfort zone of wildfire. One of the highlights of the day was a presentation by 3 of the cadre who were deployed to the Deepwater Horizon Incident. See the organizational chart below, as complex incidents go it does not get any more complex.

As this training goes into its 3rd day students and cadre prepare for the challanges ahead. Wildfires dont take a break for training as is evident from the many wildfires occuring

Sometimes it might not be easier to prevent the wildfire than fight it but it sure is SAFER, Less DESTRUCTIVE and Less COSTLY. Please do your part DONT LET A WILDFIRE START.

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