Friday, January 28, 2011

Texas Fire Storms

Could these happen in Virginia or your area?
You betcha! When the very same conditions talked about at the following link
occur it does not matter if you live in Texas, Montans, New Jersey or Virginia. Wildfires occur, maybe not in as dramatic of a way as in TX but its still a situation that demands us all to do our part and not let a wildfire start. If one does it will be very difficult to stop and could be very destructive and/or deadly.

Please take time to read the info and watch the video at the link above.

The recent ice, snow and cold weather in Virginia have lead to a rash of structure fires. If you are using any type of wood stove or electric heater please make sure they are in good condition and properly maintained, and MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A WORKING SMOKE DETECTOR!! If you do not many fire stations will help.

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