Monday, November 1, 2010

Weekend wildfire activity and Tomorrow is election day .. YOU CAN…

Here in VA we have been really fortunate recently with sporadic rains, good wildfire prevention and an aware public that wildfire starts have been minimal even over a Halloween weekend that traditionally sees an increase in fires. Many other states can not say the same.
Headlines from newspapers this morning

(NC) Discarded fireplace ashes were believed to be the cause of a fire that broke out in the woods near Shulls Mill Road on Sunday afternoon.
(SC) Three house fires and two brush fires break out around the same time in one neighborhood early Sunday morning.
(GA) Wildfire continues to burn on Lookout Mtn Georgia Forestry officials say personnel will be back on the scene Monday morning at daybreak with planes and rake crews.
(NC) Strong afternoon winds have flared up a one-acre fire on the Blue Ridge Parkway
(TX) A 50-acre forest fire has forced the Trinity County Sheriff's Office to evacuate homes near the blaze.
(WV) Fire crews battled fires throughout the weekend in a variety of spots across southern West Virginia.
(KY) A total of 19 agencies help fight the blaze.

Tomorrow is election day .. YOU CAN…
It doesn’t matter if you’re red or blue what does matter is only YOU CAN prevent wildfires. Please get out and vote, every vote counts and YOU CAN make a difference. As you leave your home take a look around (inside and out) and see if there are anything YOU CAN elect to do that will make your home more safe.

Today's Tip of the Blog
Todays tip is not really a tip but a thought for you. Below is a re-print of a response to a wildfire story. PLEASE take time to read it. And THANKS for your support!

It takes a lot to fight fires, especially when you volunteer, and that is what the surrounding departments are. Volunteers leave their own lives behind and put their own priorities on hold to make someone else's life a priority and help them. I am a volunteer firefighter myself in the surrounding area, and I always hear how firemen weren't fast enough, or how they didn’t like the fact that something couldn’t be saved. To most it just sounds like we are just spraying water to put out a fire, but in the true reality, we have to know how to read wind conditions, read smoke (whether it is woods, a home, a car, etc). Wind conditions are very vital, because it can turn a fire into a new direction right before your eyes and you not even realize it. There is one thing people should realize, yes a home is of precious value, the items inside the home are valuable and priceless, but most has a price tag on it in which we as humans do not. We can replace a home, toys, food, clothes, and although old family heirlooms cannot be saved (memories can). I was not able to be at that fire last night but I was at our station making sure our firefighters had a warm meal to come back to when they returned from fighting the fire. There are many jobs for firemen, mine is fighting fires, making sure our firemen keep hydrated to be able to fight a fire, caring for animals at fire scenes and aiding them, and making sure that our firemen are taken care of. It is a big job, but one thing is for sure, being able to fight a fire and have the knowledge it takes is of great reward. If you want to learn about fire fighting, or become a volunteer in your area, please go to your local fire station for an application. We need all the help we can get. Remember to report fires as soon as you spot them. Thank you for supporting your local fire dept.

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