Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Temperatures may be dropping but the southern woods are heating up

Virginia is fairing much better than our sister states to the west and south. Much of the southern region is entering Fall fire season in critical condition. Go to the attached link for more info.


Also check out the Southern Region Wildfire Prevention web site at

There is currently a Prevention Education Team working in Louisiana on the Kisatchie National Forest. The team is working with both the NF and the State. In Virginia we just finished up with a Team that produced several items that can be used as the need arises. The Team also attended community events promoting firewise and wildfire prevention. see pictures below.

A firewise/not firewise mini house was a big hit. As were the smokey carved pumpkin.

M.K.Hicks PET leader hands some smokey material to an eager child and his dad.

More of the posters developed.

The Tennessee Div of Forestry is planning on utilizing a Prevention Education Team in the eastern part of the state starting next week.

Again check out the southern region prevention site for info on these teams and other useful prevention education info. Check back often as the site is updated regurlary when there is activity.

What do you think about this different approach "Think Like a Wildfire"

Tip Of The Blog
Something as simple as a dragging chain on a trailer can cause a wildfire if conditions are just right or hould I say just wrong. Please check your trailers for any drgging chains or other metal.

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