Friday, October 8, 2010

A beautiful weekend to be outside.

Even with the rains of the last week or so its still dry in many places of Virginia. So if your planning on doing any yard work this weekend please follow the following tips.
1) Check out for some tips that will help you and your home be "Firewise"
2) If you will be burning CALL your local County/City and see if there are any restrictions in place. There is NO ban or restrictions on open burning in place from the Virginia Department of Forestry but again there might be some locally.
3) If you will be burning, keep your piles small, clear flamable grass and leaves from around your pile, have water and tools nearby. Should your fire get away from you CALL 911. Many people have been injuried or have died trying to fight a fire that escaped from burning debris. Leave it to the trained experts.

And last but not least. Remember what Smokey Bear has taught us ... Always Be Careful With Fire and Only You Can Prevent Wildfires.

Stay Safe and enjoy the out of doors

Smokey B

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